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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 08/28/06
Selectmen Meeting Minutes –August 28th, 2006

Present: M. Genest, R Haggett, and B. Pratt
Also in attendance: W. Prokop, A. Elliott, W. Willet, R. Varnum, Mr. and Mrs. K. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. G. Halverson, L. Henderson, T. Goodwin, M. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. T. Feyrer, Mr. and Mrs. S. Dunn, M. Elliott, C. Russell, P. Beblowski, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott.

The selectmen approved the minutes of the August 7th, 2006 meeting.

Chairman Genest announced the promotion of Sgt. Scott Dunn to the position of Lieutenant in the Antrim Police Department. (See press release attached). Chief Feyrer and Lieutenant Dunn expressed their thanks to the Board of Selectmen for their support over the past year.

W. Prokop than appraised the Board on the following:

   1. The NH Governors Council approval of the Antrim T.E. Phase II Grant in the amount of $406,688.00 for the completion of the sidewalk and downtown improvement projects.

   2. The Town has received its certificate of completion from the NH Community Development Finance Authority regarding the Antrim Girl’s Shelter Project.

   3. The Town was advised by FEMA that it has been awarded $87,021.56 in eligible disaster relief for the May 2006 flood damages. In addition, we have received an additional $34,878.65 for last October’s damages. The state also will be compensating the Town approximately $55,000 for its share of last Octobers flood damage. This will bring the total disaster relief received by the Town to over $300,000.00.

   4. The Town of Antrim’s Police Department was just award an $18,000 grant for Thermovisioning equipment and training. A demonstration of the equipment will be held at the next selectmen’s meeting.

   5. Our security cameras have been installed at the Library, Memorial Park, and the Fire Station. Cameras will be installed at Shea Field and at the Town Hall within the next few weeks. These cameras will operate 24 hours per day and have infrared lens for night vision. We are hopeful that these cameras will help in the investigation of vandalism that has been occurring at these locations.

   6.  The Chamber of Commerce has just released a press release about the Skate Board Slalom Race and Clinic that will be held during this years Home and Harvest weekend,

C. Russell, from the Audubon Society than addressed the Board regarding her wishes for having 15MPH Speed limit signs posted on Willard Pond Road. The Audubon and the neighbors are concerned about speeding on the road. The selectmen agreed to discuss this with the Police Chief and will get back to Ms. Russell.

Selectmen Haggett gave a brief report on the Recreation Land Committee’s meeting that was held earlier in the evening regarding the Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Gould Property on West Street. He reported the concerns of the committee. It is felt that with some of the changes that are being asked by the seller that the purchase may not be in the best interest of the Town for recreation purposes. Since we are still in discussion with the seller, it was felt that further comment should be in Non-Public session for later in the meeting.

At 7:30 Chairman Genest opened the Public Hearing to discuss the Planned Long-Term Mineral Purchase of sand from Steele Pond Development, LLC.

Mr. Genest explained to the public that the current agreement is in the 3rd year of a 5 year agreement, whereby the Town is purchasing sand at the rate of $3.00/yd. We presently use 4-5,000 yards. He then presented a list of reasons for wanting to now purchase the mineral rights and the land in a unique financing method. This would not be bonded or create additional debt, but would continue to be a line item in the Highway Departments budget as it has been. The sand budget would be sufficient for this year and not affect any other expense items. It is anticipated that the annual cost will be in the area of $45-$50,000 for fifteen years and then a $1.00 payment would be made and the land and all remaining mineral rights revert to the Town with no additional expense. The projected amount of sand is at minimum a 30+ year supply and will provide our road sand needs with high quality sand. R. Varnum, Road Agent for the Town expressed his endorsement of this program and mentioned that this plan would have many positive affects for the Town. Such as; a long-term supply at a very reasonable cost, a location for a new Town Barn in the future, a location that is near most of the Towns gravel roads, it will allow for reduced operating cost in the highway department, and it just makes good long-term sense. Selectmen Pratt stated that in his opinion this project would have the biggest positive impact on the Town for the long term of anything that this current Board could approve. P. Beblowski stated that he as a member of the Conservation Commission had viewed this property a few years ago and having the rights to access to Steele Pond and a good long-term reclamation plan in place by the Town would make this a very positive step for the Town from a conservation point of view as well.

Chairman Genest, asked for any other public comment, for or against the plan, there being none he closed the public hearing at 8:00 p.m.

The selectmen reviewed general correspondence and approved payroll and A/P for the week.

The selectmen voted at 8:15 p.m. to go into Non-Public session per 91:4a to discuss personnel and legal issues. The non-public session was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

The selectmen voted to go back into public session at 9:20 p.m. and voted to seal the minutes of the Non-Public session.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for 09/18/06.
